Breaking news

Breaking news

December 2022..The arrival of the cold of winter, brought with it the arrival of El Nuevo Dippers. On first observations it looks like they should fit in splendidly. The new Mrs Dipper has all the hallmarks of a local, right leg limp, with just the right amount of drag and a slight but noticeable hunch. He on the other hand has a stomach to rival any 80’s dart player. Agility is not he’s strong point.

I’m sure they were not happy when they arrived (with their two horse sized dogs) to find the place in a shit state with the gates broken and wide open. Unfortunately they were welcomed them with 177km/h winds and the realisation that they lose 3 hours of sunlight a day owing to the fact they are at sea level.

Wind Speed146.5 km/h0.0 km/h47.7 km/h
Wind Gust177.2 km/h55.7 km/h
Wind DirectionWNW

Following their arrival, full-time surveillance has swung into action. A purpose built hide has been constructed for us, by our local ex builder El Gordo

A live webcam is being installed so that any indiscretion or annoying habit can be reported and dealt with immediately by the necessary agency.


Update…….following on from the announcement that the Moopers will be heading their separate ways and leaving Medina Arroyo to return to peace and tranquility on the 11th of November.

There has been a thrilling live update published today. Our local reporter on returning to the neighbourhood spotted a pathetic attempt at home removals.

Cartyn had enlisted the assistance of a man in a silver people carrier. Throwing what can only be described as junk into the back of this vehicle. Cartyn seemed somewhat distressed that he couldnt take his collection of empty gin bottles along with his unique suicide kit consisting of rope, razor blades and anadin.

Using the latest state of the art surveillance equipment the convoy of one vehicle left the Moopers compound and headed in a westerly direction. Speed seemed to be of the essence for the driver, as we found it very difficult to keep up.

After a near 15 min red knuckle ride we found ourselves within the confines of the lovely village of Oria. Still not sure of our final destination, they made an erratic turn to the right, we pulled over to gain our composure. We knew where this road lead.

Yes to gods waiting room………….a wonderful 3 bedroom mobile home.

Please dont bring your cat, because there’s no room to swing it. Perfect for the single gentlemen, only 3 steps from the couch is the fully stocked gin fridge and 3 more to the ensuite.

If this is the lifestyle that may suit you we share the location of this wonderful wooden council estate….


Part 1

After another botched suicide attempt, and pathetic cry for help, local legend and all round numpty, Cartyn Mooper, has announced the timely seperation and divorce of his 8th wife, local celeb DJ, face mask, pillow sticther and renowned dog sitter Ciona Mooper. Cartyn said she can keep the gin but I’m getting custody of the sewing machines. It would seem the split will not be a friendly affair as multimillionaire corgi toy collector Cartyn said I’ll be out on the pull tonight so there

Portrait of an angry young man